Thursday, January 21, 2010


How many people remember Tron?  That movie starred Jeff Bridges and was released the year I was born (1982).  Well Disney is releasing a new remake of the film in December.....Tron Legacy.  It's going to be in 3D and Jeff Bridges returns as one of the lead actors, along with Olivia Wilde.  I remember watching the original Tron back in the day and it is quite funny to see the difference in the two.  I'm pretty sure this is director Joseph Kosinski's first film, but his work with visual effects is pretty sweet.  I know he's done a lot of commercials (like the Halo and Gears of War ads) that you've seen on TV, I'm just hoping they do a good job with this movie.  Check out the trailer and a clip from the 1982 film....

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