Tuesday, January 26, 2010

MOVIE NEWS: 80s comeback in 3D

80's cult film staples "Gremlins" and "Ghostbusters" are both looking to get new 3D sequels.
First up MarketSaw reports that a third "Gremlins" film is in the works and will be shot in 3D. The project is a brand new film rather than a 3D retrofit of the original but as it's so early there's no word on who will be writing the script.
The same site also says the previously reported on third "Ghostbusters" film is proceeding as planned, but with 3D now added into the mix.
Lee Eisneberg and Gene Stupnitsky are penning the script.

NASA spots near-Earth asteroid

PASADENA, Calif., Jan. 25 (UPI) -- NASA says its wide-field infrared survey explorer, called WISE, has spotted its first never-before-seen near-Earth asteroid.
Officials said the object is the first of hundreds WISE is expected to find during its mission to map the whole sky in infrared light.
The asteroid, discovered Jan. 12 and named 2010 AB78, is about 0.6 miles in diameter and located approximately 98 million miles from Earth. The spacecraft's discovery was confirmed with the University of Hawaii's 2.2-meter (88-inch) visible-light telescope.

"The asteroid … circles the sun in an elliptical orbit tilted to the plane of our solar system," NASA said. "The object comes as close to the sun as Earth, but because of its tilted orbit, it is not thought to pass near our planet. This asteroid does not pose any foreseeable impact threat to Earth, but scientists will continue to monitor it."
WISE began its all-sky survey Jan. 14 and NASA said it expects the space telescope to find about 100,000 previously undiscovered asteroids in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, as well as millions of new stars and galaxies.
NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., manages the WISE mission.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


How many people remember Tron?  That movie starred Jeff Bridges and was released the year I was born (1982).  Well Disney is releasing a new remake of the film in December.....Tron Legacy.  It's going to be in 3D and Jeff Bridges returns as one of the lead actors, along with Olivia Wilde.  I remember watching the original Tron back in the day and it is quite funny to see the difference in the two.  I'm pretty sure this is director Joseph Kosinski's first film, but his work with visual effects is pretty sweet.  I know he's done a lot of commercials (like the Halo and Gears of War ads) that you've seen on TV, I'm just hoping they do a good job with this movie.  Check out the trailer and a clip from the 1982 film....

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Lupe Fiasco ft. Trey Songz- Blackout

Lupe and Trey are two of my favorite artists right now. I'm feeling this track....anyone else?


Ya Boy- Mohawks and Heavy Metal (Mixtape)

I'm sure you've heard the song "We Run LA"...pretty popular for well over a year when I lived in LA, not to sure about this side of the map...well you can find that song on Ya Boy's new mixtape....
DOWNLOAD:  Ya Boy- Mowhawks and Heavy Metal Mixtape 


This isn't any recent news or anything, just something I wanted to share that I think is just amazing. I didn't know about this story until a few weeks ago and for those who don't know this story, let me fill you in briefly.
Back when you could actually buy exotic animals, these two Australian gentlemen, John Rendall and Anthony Burke, purchased a lion cub in London.  They raised this it, naming him Christian, and he obviously grew at an alarming rate.  After a year with him under their care, the guys decided it was best to release Christian into the wild back in Africa.
A year later the two guys took a trip to Africa to try and find Christian.  They were successful and then, just when u think the result is going to be deadly, you are blown away by what happens.  It's a pretty amazing story if you ask me....Check it out

For me this story is awesome because I am a huge animal lover myself. It just shows you what love can do between others, animal or human.

NEW MOVIE TRAILER: A plus? or A minus?

Gotta love the Family Guy episode where they were 80s TV show the A-Team....Now, this summer the A-Team is coming to the big screen! lol gotta love it....  Check out the trailer....looks like a good cast (Bradley Cooper, Liam Neeson, Quinton 'Rampage' Jackson, Sharlto Copely, and Jessica Biel) and should be entertaining to say the least (I just hope it's not too cheesy).

what do you think?


I think this device is pretty cool and could definitely play a major role in the near future in how we keep our phone/iPod/Blackberry/etc. at a full charge.  
RCA Airnergy pulls power from thin air using ambient Wi-Fi signals to charge your personal devices. Anytime the RCA Airnergy is in the vicinity of one or more Wi-Fi sources, it is charging, converting the wireless antenna signal into DC current that can power your small electronics. It stores the charge in an internal lithium battery so you don't actually have to be in a Wi-Fi hotspot to recharge your phone or other devices.  There is a limitation however:  the Airnergy unit that is hitting the shelves this summer (for about $40) is only expected to have a USB connection, meaning syncing it with a lot of devices like the iPod or iPhone with be annoying wince you would also have to purchase some kind of connection device.  Plus, it would be just one more thing to carry around with you.   Since there is this new technology of converting Wi-Fi signal into energy, I feel that the future of cellphones and other electronics will see a great change.  How about cutting out the middle man (RCA Airnergy) completely?  Why not have the lithium battery in our phones store the same charge from the Wi-Fi sources and use the same technology?  You would never have to remember to plug your phone in at night or worry about not being able to make an important call when your phone is about to die.  I feel this is bound to happen and would be a great step into the future.

Check out the video as well....you can't help but to laugh a little at this lil guy....

Intro & FIRST POST: Happy Hump Day

Ya...safe to say that this blog is really random...kinda like me. 
conspiracy theories- government cover ups- hip hop and popular music- movie news- science & space news- technology updates- LOL (Life of Lemon)
Thanks guys!